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Tips for oily skin | How to take care of oily skin

Tips for oily skin | How to take care of oily skin

Oily skin spoils your appearance, as oily skin is the result of excessive sebum production. It is a fatty substance that is produced naturally by the skin. Excess fatty secretions are bad. Everyone knows the fact that over-everything is bad. It indicates clogging of the skin pores, which ultimately leads to the accumulation of dead cells and thus the formation of pimples or acne. "Oily skincare" is just as important as "other types of skincare."

The main goal of "oily skincare" is to remove excess oil from the skin, which does not mean removing the oil completely. Oily Skin Care begins with a cleanser. Most oily skincare products are oil-free although it is always advisable to check the ingredients of the product before purchasing it. This is important if a specific product is marked as "suitable for all skin types" instead of "oily skincare products". Oily skincare depends on the degree of oil, if you are not too oily, this may be "suitable for all kinds of products" for you. For extremely oily skin, only oily skincare products are appropriate. Excessive toning tends to harm oily skin.

How do you take care of oily skin?

If you have oily skin, this means that your skin will be able to fight the signs of aging for a longer time than normal or dry skin.

Although oily skin does not come without problems, but with care, cleaning, and washing, it will reach the ideal skin. Much can happen with the right treatment. Try naturally treating oily skin to keep it youthful and always fresh. Here are some tips for you.

1. Keep your skin clean: Cleanse your skin every morning with a wash if necessary and once in the evening. Frequent washing only increases oils. Try to keep your skin clean. Dirt can clog pores and thereby cause acne.

2. Toning: Use toner regularly on the skin to close pores after cleaning. Summer day heat and warm water I used to wash the skin open the pores more widely, allowing more oil to flow. During the morning, use a toner to seal the pores. A great tip for summer days for a great feeling. Store it in an icebox.

3. Moisturizing: Apply moisturizer after washing and cleaning the skin. Avoid refreshments with mineral oil, as it only clogs pores. Avocado oil and coconut oil are great for all skin types, it hydrates the skin and does not make it oily.

4. Stay away from acne creams and lotions: It has a strong drying effect on the skin which usually leads to the complete elimination of oils. Because many of them depend on alcohol, which dries the skin on the surface and leaves the pores full of oil. In the end, you may get acne with flaky skin! Therefore, it is best to ensure that skincare products are alcohol-free.

5. The best advice is to use a natural cleaning mask every two weeks to deeply cleanse the skin. Searching for one with kaolin clay and active manuka honey; Two wonderful ingredients that work on the wonders of your skin!

6. Use the clay mask (once a week) as an oily skin care procedure.

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