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5 ways to kill bacteria in your mouth and stop bad breath

5 ways to kill bacteria in your mouth and stop bad breath

Researchers estimate that about 80 million Americans suffer from bad breath. That's about 1 in 4 Americans. The truth is, everyone experiences bad breath at some point in the day, simply because the environment in our mouths is constantly changing. How do you stop bad breath before it becomes an embarrassing social issue?

What are the causes of bad breath?

As you progress throughout your day eating, drinking and breathing, the oral cavity is alive and active. Saliva helps soften food and clean the oral cavity. Enzymes start the digestive process. The bacteria are formed as a result of the primary digestion process. The main cause of bad breath is a build-up of bacteria that release harmful odors or gases. Oral diseases such as untreated gum disease or cavities can lead to chronic bad breath.

Studies show that 80% of bad breath comes from oral and dental health. So simply maintaining oral hygiene should produce a better smell. Other causes of bad breath can include acid reflux or problems originating in the stomach. Or internal medical conditions such as diabetes, liver disease, respiratory infections, and chronic bronchitis

5 ways you can prevent bad breath in its tracks

1. Use the brush twice a day and floss once

As dentists, these minimum brushing and flossing guidelines are our gold standard for preventing any kind of oral disease or unwanted disease. This is because brushing and flossing remove food debris and plaque before they start damaging the teeth and gums. As we mentioned above, harmful bacteria that are produced through the eating process are the primary source of bad breath. If you are among those who suffer from chronic bad breath, try to brush your teeth 20 minutes after each meal and use a toothpaste containing baking soda.

2. Brush or scrape your tongue

Ridding the mouth of odor-causing bacteria often requires treating the tongue. The tongue can be a breeding ground for these unwanted microorganisms that cover the surface of the tongue and make it appear whiter than pink. Scrubbing or brushing your tongue after brushing your teeth or between meals will go a long way in reducing bad breath.

3. Hydrate regularly

Many Americans don't drink enough water to stay hydrated enough throughout the day. When it comes to the oral cavity, water is essential for producing healthy saliva. It also helps flush out food debris and bacteria from the mouth. Dry mouth is the mouth most susceptible to bad breath.

4. Chew a piece of xylitol gum

Chewing a mint-flavored xylitol gum has a refreshing mint scent and can also reduce the presence of harmful bacteria in the mouth. Xylitol is a natural sugar that, unlike other sugars, is not digested by bacteria. Most of the polysaccharides break down and feed on harmful bacteria. These bacteria then produce acids that wear out in tooth enamel. So chewing xylitol gum that does not feed bacteria means fewer bacteria, and as a result, the pH is more balanced, teeth are healthier, stronger, and a refreshing breath.

5. Visit the dentist twice a year

If you have good oral hygiene and healthy gums and teeth, the minimum number of visits to your local dentist is two visits per year, for your semi-annual cleanings. Not only do these visits provide a professional cleaning of your teeth that will brighten your smile, but it is also an opportunity for your dentist to check for any potential developments of an infection or disease in the mouth. If you have good oral health and still have bad breath, your dentist can help you identify other potential sources that can cause bad breath.

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